Artificial Intelligence for Literature Reviews: Opportunities and Challenges

Exciting news! Our new survey paper about AI tools for literature reviews was published by Artificial Intelligence Review.

The paper presents a comprehensive review of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs). The increasing role of AI in this field shows great potential in providing more effective support for researchers, moving towards the semi-automatic creation of literature reviews. Our study focuses on how AI techniques are applied in the semi-automation of SLRs, specifically in the screening and extraction phases. We examine 21 leading SLR tools using a framework that combines 23 traditional features with 11 AI features. We also analyse 11 recent tools that leverage large language models for searching the literature and assisting academic writing. Finally, the paper discusses current trends in the field, outlines key research challenges, and suggests directions for future research.
We highlight three primary research challenges: integrating advanced AI solutions, such as large language models and knowledge graphs, improving usability, and developing a standardised evaluation framework. We also propose best practices to ensure more robust evaluations in terms of performance, usability, and transparency.


Francisco Bolanos, Angelo Salatino, Francesco Osborne, Enrico Motta

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