We’re pleased to announce the Release of the Experience & Observation (E&O). E&O is an ontology design pattern for describing the research case studies on experience. The E&O addresses the relations between sources of activities (e.g. reading) and the creation of observations of experience (i.e. sources of testimonies of experience), such as diaries, letters, marginalia or comments. The E&O will support the interoperability of data by providing a novel perspective on the epistemology of sources, i.e. the potential information content. This pattern is the result of a collaboration between Dr. Alessio Antonini of the UK READ-IT team, Dr. Alessandro Adamou of NUI and Prof. Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa of UPM. The E&O is being release in Common Creative (CC0-v1.0) on the Ontology Design Pattern repository: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Submissions:Experience_%26_Observation, and on GitHub: https://github.com/eureadit.