Tag Archives: semantic web

Klink-2: Automatic generation of large scale taxonomies of research areas

Klink-2 is an application which takes as input large amounts of scholarly metadata and automatically generates an OWL ontology containing all the research areas mined from the input data and their semantic relationships. It was developed to produced large scale ontology of research topics.   The traditional way to address the problem of identifying and […]


Techminer Architecture. TechMiner is a novel approach, which combines natural language processing, machine learning and semantic technologies, for mining technologies from research publications and generating an OWL ontology describing their relationships with other research entities. The resulting knowledge base can support tasks such as: richer semantic search, richer expert search, monitoring the emergence and impact […]

Rexplore at ISWC 2015

Francesco Osborne attended the 14th edition of the prestigious International Semantic Web Conference where he presented the paper “Klink-2: Integrating Multiple Web Sources to Generate Semantic Topic Networks” in the highly selective research track. The paper introduced Klink-2, the new version of the Klink algorithm for the automatic generation of ontologies of research topics. Klink-2 […]

First Prize for Rexplore at ESWC Semantic Publishing Challenge

The groundbreaking Rexplore system for analysing scholarly data was awarded first prize, as Best Semantic Publishing Application, at the “Semantic Publishing Challenge”, which was held in the context of the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference. Rexplore was chosen from a number of innovative Semantic Web applications by a jury comprising both researchers and commercial publishers. […]